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Welcome to The Hague: five impact companies!

1 March, 2023

ImpactCity The Hague has a leading ecosystem for entrepreneurs and market leaders that combine doing good and doing business. The city has become a haven for impact entrepreneurs, NGO’s, research centers, knowledge institutes, established companies, governments and investors from around the world. In the Hague, entrepreneurs that work on innovations to create a better world, will find strong support and an ideal network to help them achieve their goals.

The impact community grows

You will find over 200 impact entrepreneurs in The Hague. And that number is growing! Recently, five companies moved to The Hague to grow their business further.

Byewaste: Provides an innovative and easy solution for tidier homes and a cleaner planet, by picking up the items that citizens no longer use from their homes for free. Byewaste is based in Apollo 14.

Skelex: Improves the overall utility and comfort of how humans work in an industrial setting with exoskeleton solutions. Skelex is based in the Titaan.

Weco: Develops innovative solutions to produce electricity from ocean waves. Weco is housed in The Hague Tech.

Beesage: Making The Hague the first city in the world with fully connected urban apiaries, enabling data-driven beekeeping for productivity and sustainability. Beesage is located in Apollo14.

Diatom: helps businesses, investors and governments around the globe to become nature-positive in the ocean. Diatom is based in de Rode Olifant.