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Collaboration ImpactCity & MKB Den Haag

Collaboration ImpactCity & MKB Den Haag
To stimulate innovation in The Hague region, MKB Den Haag and ImpactCity are joining forces. Coost Santing, program manager ImpactCity and Rosan Gompers, board member of MKB Den Haag, announced this collaboration during a first joint event in Apollo 14. The collaboration will focus on working together, bringing entrepreneurs into contact with each other during events and sharing knowledge on specific themes.

“Facilitating knowledge sharing and meetings between startups, scaleups and SMEs seems like a logical step, but it is not (yet). Currently, these are still quite separate worlds and there may still be very specific issues in these communities. However, we think that these entrepreneurs can inspire each other and learn from each other,” says Rosan Gompers from MKB Den Haag.

“Issues about starting and growing seem universal. Startups can learn from experienced SME entrepreneurs. On the other hand, startups and scaleups can inspire SMEs because they often look at issues such as digitization, deploying talent, sustainability and energy transition from a differnet angle. “Doing differently” is often a common matter for startups and scaleups. Many SME entrepreneurs are still looking for a way in which they can embrace these themes and integrate them into their business. By connecting the worlds, we hope to stimulate innovation in our region.”

“ImpactCity’s ambition is to increase the number of impact entrepreneurs in the region,” explains Coos Santing. “Entrepreneurs that contribute to innovations for a better world. These innovations do not only have to come from startups. It would be great if SMEs in particular could contribute much more clearly to sustainable innovations. If the ImpactCity community can provide ideas or tools for that, then that’s great.”

Not only Rosan Gompers and Coos Santing put innovation high on the agenda in The Hague. In the MKB Den Haag member survey attention for innovation also emerged as the most important theme for 2020. “We are therefore implementing this collaboration immediately. By working together and setting a new dynamic in motion in The Hague, we hope to give more entrepreneurs practical tools for innovation; access to ideas, solutions and new possibilities. We are also looking for cooperation with other partners, such as the municipality of The Hague, Rabobank and Social Club The Hague,” Coos and Rosan mention.

“No company can continue to do things the same way. It is time to really look at innovation and new opportunities that work for your company and at the same time discover how you as an entrepreneur can contribute to social issues. Issues that we all can no longer ignore. “Doing good and doing business” is not even an ambition, but almost the only way to give continuity and future to your company.

A first event – Think & Drink Talent

The first event on February 6th was about the labor market and talent. The shortage on the labor market broke a new record last year. The number of vacancies rose again last quarter. At the same time there are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurs and there is room for growth, innovation and new perspectives. Two inspiring companies shared their vision during the Think & Drink.

The Young Digitals focuses on digital talents that want to grow and work on their future. Some young people are bursting with talent but experience a difficult start in their lives. The Young Digitals guides these young people into the online world. Marc Pieterse, founder of The Young Digitals, shared the vision and proposition of this successful startup and demonstrated how collaboration with these digital heroes offers innovation opportunities.

Aad van Loenen, director of the Energie Academie recently opened by Marc Rutte, provided a way to bridge the shortage of people in construction and technology. The Energie Academie trains people for a job in these sectors and work related to the energy transition. Think of jobs such as electrician, roofer, solar panel fitter, plumber, plasterer, iron braver or bricklayer. The Energie Academie provides vocational training, a job and mediates for work.

Both MKB Den Haag members and relations as well as the ImpactCity community were invited to Apollo 14 for this event, which attracted a great deal of interest. Valuable ideas and contacts were also exchanged during the network drinks.

All events will be posted on the websites of MKB Den Haag and ImpactCity. Will we see you at Startup Tuesday The Hague?

Want to know more about the collaboration or the Think & Drink on February 6th?
You may contact us directly:

Coos Santing, program manager ImpactCity: 0650093486
Rosan Gompers, board member (communication, media and innovation): 0624682784
Marc Pieterse, The Young Digitals: 0610210446
Aad van Loenen, Energie Academie: 0623459747