Apollo 14 has landed! Inspiring startup location for impact makers
18 May, 2018
On 17 May, the new startup building Apollo 14 was festively opened by alderman Karsten Klein. Located in the startup hub of The Hague, the Binckhaven. With the CabFab, de Besturing, Kompaan and Mama Kelly, all ingredients are present in a vibrant area for new innovations. In Apollo 14 startups can rent affordable space, but more important, will be fully supported in ‘doing good & doing business’.
As the international city of Peace and Justice, The Hague is the hotspot for startups and scale-ups that focus on innovations for a better world, the so-called global challenges. The municipality of The Hague rents Apollo 14 to innovative and creative entrepreneurs who contribute to a better world through technological and social innovations. Here you can join forces with other impact makers by working on innovations in one cool and inspiring place.
Make impact in The Hague
During the opening of Apollo 14, alderman Karsten Klein underlined the economic importance of the Binckhaven and Apollo 14, where a vibrant place has been created for impact companies. After all, starting and growing companies are a great stimulus for the economy of The Hague and new employment. The choice for “impact” fits The Hague like a glove. As the ImpactCity, The Hague has acquired a unique position in the world.
Nils Beers, director of StartupDelta, emphasized this unique position for The Hague. StartupDelta supports startups and scale-ups at national and international level with a diverse package to stimulate growth. In Apollo 14, StartupDelta will also be active and support companies with their own consultation hours.
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) also makes a positive contribution to Apollo 14. Katrien Westendorp, Startup officer at RVO.nl: “We offer a wide range of services for startups. RVO.nl helps startups and scaleups to grow and accelerate through the offering of loans, grants and guarantee schemes, by providing access to networks and by organizing specific events. “The Startup Officers Network is a network of start-up specialists from various Dutch government departments and municipalities. RVO.nl also has its own consultation hour at Apollo 14.
Happy place for tech nerds
Kars Veling of Q42, the first and largest participant of Apollo 14, explained why Apollo 14 is also the right place for Q42. “Q42 is a happy place for tech nerds where most diverse tech projects for a better world are being developed. In Apollo 14 we can contribute to the connection and cooperation between cool companies and start-ups in The Hague. Because we doubled our office space, we can now offer a great space for meet-ups between startups. ”
Not only office space, but also a full support startup location
Anna Menenti, program manager of Impact Economy, explained what startups can expect in Apollo 14. “You do not only rent a unit for your company here, you can also connect with experts, service providers, investors and co-entrepreneurs willing to help you further. Entrepreneurs can grow, collaborate, network and experiment here. And all that in a creative-industrial, innovative and experimental environment with raw edges and a dynamic vibe.”
In addition, a number of experts, such as RVO and the Peace Innovation Institute from Stanford University, will hold regular consultations here. As a result, startups can find their way to capital and other relevant knowledge even more easily. ImpactCity also facilitates this by organizing events such as Impact Startup Fest, ImpactCity’s flagship event.
The Hague Innovators will also be given a place in Apollo 14. With the Hague Innovators Challenge, the city of The Hague challenges startups, students and creative minds every year to come up with fresh, groundbreaking ideas for major global issues. Startups can register from August.
Join us in Apollo 14
Apollo 14 is the location for innovative and creative entrepreneurs that contribute to a better world through technological and social innovations.
Does your company fit this profile? Then Apollo 14 is the place for you! Ask your question or sign up via the website of Apollo 14.