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Startups sought to contribute to energy transition

April 11, 2023

Three new challenges open in The Hague

The announcement of 11 new challenges today kicks off yet another edition of the Startup in Residence Intergov programme. Startups are sought that have innovative solutions to social issues for which there were no ready-made answers so far. The startups with the best solutions are selected for the Startup In Residence programme in which they, together with the challenge owners from the government, develop the solution further in five months and prepare it for implementation. Winners get a place in the programme, the government as a client, and an innovation budget of €25,000.

The challenges come from different levels of government: municipal, provincial, and national. This provides an opportunity to bring a startup’s solution to the attention of more than one government organisation. The participating government organisations are: the Municipality of The Hague (in cooperation with ImpactCity), the Province of South Holland, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. Last edition, “Dienst Toeslagen” was our special guest participant, in this round, it is the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA).

In The Hague we’re looking for:

  • Solutions for homeowners to make connection to heat networks more attractive;
  • Solutions to make better use of vertical building surfaces (e.g. facades) for the energy transition;
  • Monitoring en/of analyse tools gericht op voortgang van verduurzaming van gebouwen.
  • Monitoring and/or analysis tools focused on the progress of sustainability in buildings.

Join now, because:

  • No complicated tender;
  • A startup capital of €25.000;
  • Participation in a startup programme with the right coaching, mentoring, and other inspiring startups;
  • The government as a launching customer (plus a network to go with it).

Submit your solution by 5pm on Tuesday, 23 May.