Seeking 50K funding? Apply to GetFunded
FEBRUARY 20, 2018
Good news! The Hague’s grant writing support initiative, GetFunded, has just launched its second edition. This initiative of Impact City aims to help local businesses gain access to European Horizon2020 funding.
GetFunded is an initiative of Impact City that was launched in The Hague. The Municipality of The Hague is selecting innovative SMEs from The Hague to offer them free grant writing and consultancy services. These will help to apply for a grant of €50,000 granted by the European Commission’s Horizon2020 program (SME Instrument phase 1). Five businesses will be selected to receive support. Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), Innovation Quarter, VanPaz and The Hague Business Agency will jointly select this year’s recipients.
Winning an SME Instrument Phase 1 will give you access to €50,000 to finetune your business case, thereby increasing your chances of success. What’s more, it paves the way to get a Phase 2, which grants up to €2.5 million. Hence, this might well be the start of an interesting business journey.
Last year’s pilot edition of GetFunded was a great success. Two companies received European Commission funding as a result: LeydenJar Technologies and Single Quantum. After having finished their Phase 1, they are now both in the process of applying for the Phase 2.
Last year, participating businesses obtained €100,000 cash in funding as a result of the GetFunded program. We’re looking forward to repeating the program’s proven value this year” – Giovanni Pazienza, coordinator at the GetFunded initiative
Would 50K help you to develop your prototype? Sign up to receive professional grant writing support via this short form before March 6th. There are no costs at any point in time: participation in GetFunded is free and if you receive the €50,000 subsidy, the whole amount will be yours.