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9 September 16:00 - 18:00

Workshop- Test Like The Best

@ Online event

Nine out of ten innovations fail. Often because a prototype has not been sufficiently tested before it goes on the market. This costs entrepreneurs a lot of time, money and energy. Innofest has helped more than 180 entrepreneurs in recent years towards a successful innovation pilot in a living lab. Because testing in practice works when you want to take your innovation to the next step. Join the Test Like The Best Workshop and learn how the Innofest method can be used for your business. You go:


– Validate your main assumptions under the guidance of the experienced test experts Rob van Wegen and Friso Visser.

– Discover 25 test methods that Innofest uses to collect data, develop prototypes and conduct experiments.

– Learn how to set up your own test case at any time.

PS: By participating you also have a chance to actually carry out your innovation pilot during the largest impact event in Europe

For whom: Innovators from The Hague who want to take their product or service to the next step.

Cost: Free

Location: T.B.A.

You can sign-up until August 17th.

@ Online event