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14 June 13:00 - 17:00

Meet your co-founder | YES!Delft

YES!Delft, Molengraaffsingel 12, 2629 JD, Delft, Zuid-Holland

There is a reason why people don’t climb Everest on their own. With a team, you can overcome obstacles that seem impossible just by yourself. Research over the past 4 decades has shown that startups that are co-founded by a team are more successful. In Meet your co-founder, as a single founder, founding team, or entrepreneurial minded person, you’ll get the tools and connections to find that new member of your dream team to help you reach the top!

The workshop

Meet your co-founder is a 0,5-day workshop at YES!Delft where we challenge you to collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs.

  • Workshop on business idea ideation & teamwork (a business idea or team not required!)
  • Get the tools, knowledge and connections to find your co-founder or newest team member
  • Introduction and sneak peek into YES!Delft’s services and programs
  • Participation is free, but registration is necessary as we will select participants based on best potential matches.


Development, Network